After undergoing a rebrand, Motability Foundation asked us to rollout their new branding across a range of print and digital materials.

It’s always rewarding working closely with charities, especially when we can help them to highlight the fantastic work they do. Motability Foundation asked us to help them roll out their new branding across several materials ranging from booklets and direct mailers through to animations.

The assets all needed to be striking and impactful, going hand in hand with their new bright and bold brand. We devised a style that feeds the information in colourful blocks, which represent the Motability journey, paired with imagery and iconography to ensure all assets are accessible and easy to navigate.



Our concept for the Year in Numbers animation uses simple graphic shapes and lines to represent the journey that Motability has gone through over the years, focusing on their major achievements and milestones spanning their 45 years providing transport solutions to disabled people across the UK.